Since 1964 and now in the 3rd generation, the camping with heart and soul has been managed by us - the Mössler family. Because of our rural roots, it has always been important for us to live and work in harmony with nature and conserve resources. As a camping operator on Lake Millstatt, we are committed to freedom, relaxation and unspoiled nature . Sustainable concepts and spacing through generous area dimensioning have long been a principle with us.

We are known for our family atmosphere and retreat oases for vacationers looking for relaxation. The lawn spaces are ideally located so that every guest can enjoy the surroundings and a well-deserved vacation. The campsite has a beautiful and species-rich tree population . The plots are surrounded by native plants and hedges.

In order to substantiate our sustainable promise, we worked out and fulfilled the criteria for the Austrian Ecolabel and the EU EcoLabel and were then recognized by the Austrian Federal Ministry. The campsite is also a founding member of (Link Greencampings) - sustainability is a top priority on these sites, so that the following generations in one can live intact nature.

GreenCampings promise

The Austrian GreenCampings companies take responsibility for the environment and set an example in the sense of resource-saving and responsible corporate management. We guarantee our guests a comprehensive, sustainable holiday experience.

✓ GreenCampings companies take special care of a sustainable holiday in untouched nature - our companies meet the demanding criteria "Austrian Eco Label" and "EU Ecolabel", which affect all areas of the company.

✓ GreenCampings companies worry about the climate (of our children) - in our companies the CO2 footprint is significantly smaller than in comparable companies (e.g. use of photovoltaic systems, heat pumps, solar systems, ...)

✓ GreenCampings companies offer the highest holiday quality with added value - our companies are listed in all common camping platforms with high guest satisfaction (4.78 / 5 (source:

✓ GreenCampings companies live the sustainability philosophy with passion - our companies deal intensively with future-oriented forms of holistic management - each company also has a personal focus.

✓ GreenCampings companies can be looked into the cards - our companies offer "behind the scenes" tours to show guests how sustainability works in the company.

✓ GreenCampings companies live regionality - our companies prefer to use products from regional producers and partners - guests receive special tips for their shopping.

✓ GreenCampings companies offer holidays with deceleration ("slow camping") - due to their location and their philosophy, our companies offer pure relaxation (special resting places, lots of space, green spaces, ...)

✓ GreenCampings companies offer their guests exceptional natural landscapes - our companies have prepared special tips for exceptional nature experiences in the region.

... for a higher quality of life, environment and vacation in the most beautiful regions of Austria!

link: too the Greencampings

Carbon Footprint

Unser Weg zur Co2-Neutralität

Im Einklang mit unserem Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltschutz haben wir – Familie Mößler und Team - einen weiteren Schritt gesetzt. In Zusammenarbeit mit einem spezialisierten Berater von Energon GmbH und ClimatePartner haben wir den CO2-Fußabdruck unserer Betriebe detailliert berechnet. Diese umfassende Analyse hat nicht nur unseren aktuellen ökologischen Einfluss offenbart, sondern auch Bereiche identifiziert, in denen wir unseren CO2-Ausstoß reduzieren können.
Basierend auf diesen Erkenntnissen haben wir bereits konkrete Schritte unternommen und in nachhaltige Lösungen investiert, um unseren CO2-Fußabdruck zu minimieren. Diese Maßnahmen reichen von der Optimierung unserer Energieeffizienz bis hin zur Einführung erneuerbarer Energiequellen und der Verbesserung unserer Recyclingprozesse. Unser Ziel ist es, nicht nur unseren Betrieb umweltfreundlicher zu gestalten, sondern auch unsere Gäste für die Bedeutung des Umweltschutzes zu sensibilisieren.
Als weitere Initiative haben wir einen eigenen Co2-Rechner auf unserer Website integriert. Mit diesem Tool können unsere Gäste den CO2-Fußabdruck ihres Urlaubs auf unseren Campingplätzen berechnen und sich für eine freiwillige Kompensationszahlung entscheiden. Die Einnahmen aus diesen Kompensationen fließen direkt in das Projekt "Regenwald der Österreicher", ein bedeutendes Umweltschutzprojekt, das sich dem Erhalt und der Wiederherstellung von Regenwaldgebieten widmet.

link: Zum Co2-Rechner